working out at the gym

Hiscoes Gym

Hiscoes Gym

Hiscoes Gym - Surry Hills

Hiscoes, a cherished family-run fitness center situated in the heart of Surry Hills, has been a proud establishment since 1982. They needed striking visuals for their social media presence, website, and a vibrant local letterbox campaign.

The challenge? Create dynamic, lifestyle-oriented photographs that break free from the conventional fitness portraits. The request included a diverse range of images, showcasing not only client engagement and movement but also incorporating an edgy vibe. Fun-filled moments and relaxed portraits of their dedicated trainers and staff were a must.

But that's not all – a family portrait of the Hiscoes family itself held a special place in this photoshoot. It aimed to capture the essence of a "family business," a unique touch that sets them apart from the sea of fitness brands.

personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
personal trainer team photo
interior of gym
interior of gym